ƒ Christianity for Thinking People: Jacob Becomes Israel

Monday, December 11, 2006

Jacob Becomes Israel

This week our study is on Genesis 29 through 33. Our discussion could focus on Genesis 32, where Jacob's name is changed because he 'struggled with God and with men and overcame.' This struggle is often linked with the great distress of end times mentioned in Daniel 12:1 and Matt 24:21, presumably because of Jeremiah 30 (esp. v. 7). You might like to give special thought to Jacob's struggle and what, if anything, it has to do with the eschatology of Daniel and John, in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. If you google "Jacob's time of trouble", you will see that the Zionist portion of the Christian world is fascinated with the political troubles facing the nation of Israel (Jacob) as the end-time analog of Genesis 32. What do you think of these widespread interpretations?

Of course, focus may well change as study progresses this week. Regardless, expect something engaging and challenging.

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